Archivi categoria: text and signs

tnpl / ‘asemic writing: the new post-literate’ is 15 y.o. and has now more than 27000 members

ASEMIC WRITING: THE NEW POST-LITERATE, the biggest facebook group dealing with asemic writing, is now 15 years old and has more than 27000 members. (and counting).

thanks to Michael Jacobson for having created and strenuously improved it.

long live The New Post-Literate!

this is the current header image of the group and it comes from a book by Kristine Snodgrass:

artist’s books by wally depew @ printed matter

Printed Matter is pleased to present a survey of artists’ books by American book artist and poet Wally Depew, spanning nearly 40 years of the artist’s practice. The exhibition is on view at our Chelsea location from March 9–April 11, 2024. On occasion of the show, Printed Matter is offering many of Depew’s out-of-print publications for purchase, available in thematic collections and individually.

i canali di slowforward: whatsapp e telegram

Da 20 anni – dal 2003 – slowforward offre materiali e aggiornamenti sulle scritture di ricerca, segnalazioni di reading di prosa (e poesia), conferenze, recensioni, critica letteraria, traduzioni, immagini, video, audio, gif, politica, polemiche, mazzate al mainstream, mostre di arte attuale e incontri, materiali verbovisivi, glitch, scrittura asemica, musica sperimentale, collage, cut-up, installazioni, archivi della ricerca testuale, artistica e musicale dal Novecento a oggi.

Chi desidera iscriversi al canale WhatsApp di slowforward (che veicolerà sempre anche le novità del sito gammm) può farlo scansionando il QR code oppure cliccando su uno dei seguenti indirizzi:

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antonio syxty legge roberto cavallera

il libro:

‘koko’ – next generation journal, issue #1, “text/image parergon”

KOKO – Next Generation Journal

Text/Image Parergon

Here is the first thematic “space” of KOKO – The Next Generation Journal, a Shared Campus publication.

Text/Image Parergon explores potentials and challenges in the relations of scriptorial and pictorial signs. How do text and image respectively frame an artefact? Does the combination of both constitute an extended value or merely a supplementary by-product that primarily appeals to the visual and other senses? Should such parerga be considered positively as added experiential benefit, or negatively as distractive embellishments of a core? Questions like these are explored in an initial set of academic “Conversations”, through the “Proceedings” of a dedicated conference and in image-with-text “Essays” by researchers working on and across the boundaries of scholarly research and creative production.

Visit Text/Image Parergon



Proceedings: Distancing – Contemporary Art in Reciprocity with Philosophy

Hosted on 16 May 2019 at the Kunstraum Kreuzlingen (CH) by the Zürich University of the Arts the symposium was set to explore the iconography of philosophical texts – in particular the imagery of Lady Philosophy as first introduced into philosophical tradition by the late antique writer Boethius (477–524) in his work The Consolation of Philosophy (approx. 524). The juxtaposition of medieval thinking, its articulation in illuminations, and in return their impact as challenge for contemporary creative practices, highlighted the need to investigate the mostly unquestioned principal opposition between immaterial thoughts and materialized images.


Space Editors: Peter Benz & Nils Röller

KOKO Editorial Statement

It is the ambition of KOKO to establish a lively and continuously evolving community of researchers contributing to respective topics; we therefore are always interested to receive feedback and/or potentially new contributions also to already existing “spaces”.
Where the more conventional formats have exhausted their possibilities, artists, designers and/or other creatives may use KOKO to create a metaphorical space for exchange through an externalised conversation between the researcher/creative practitioner and her subject.

pod al popolo, #005_ conferenza sull’installance: audio integrale (2′ 47”)

Come imperitura traccia della Conferenza sottovoce (e sotto pioggia) sull’installance, ecco il file audio dell’affollatissimo incontro, in Pod al popolo. Il podcast irregolare, ennesimo fail again fail better dell’occidente postremo. Buon ascolto.

two pieces of poetry / miron tee. 2023


sam woolfe’s interview to tim gaze

steffen haug: “une collecte d’images. benjamin à la bibliothèque nationale”

Sandro Ricaldone

Une collecte d’images
Walter Benjamin à la Bibliothèque nationale
University of Chicago Press, 2022

Entre 1927 et 1930 à Berlin, puis de 1934 à 1940 à Paris, Walter Benjamin travaille à accumuler des matériaux pour un projet de vaste envergure : retracer, à partir de l’étude des passages parisiens, une « préhistoire du XIXe siècle ». La rédaction du texte est sans cesse différée, tandis que l’immense corpus préparatoire semble voué à croître indéfiniment, devenant une somme composite de citations que double parfois, à la manière d’une note de régie, une réflexion ou une remarque énigmatique.
Au fil de ses recherches, Benjamin se rend à l’évidence : il faudra que son Livre des passages soit enrichi par des images. Une « documentation visuelle » se constitue bientôt, écrit-il, glanée pour l’essentiel dans les recueils du Cabinet des estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale où il travaille pendant son exil parisien. Une centaine de notes témoignent de cette collecte et conservent, enfermée dans leurs plis, la mention d’une ou de plusieurs images qui sont restées pour la plupart inconnues jusqu’ici.

Steffen Haug a voulu retrouver cette réserve enfouie. Gravures et dessins de presse, tracts, réclames, affiches et photographies, de Meryon et Grandville à Daumier, en passant par l’infinie cohorte anonyme et le tout-venant de la production visuelle à grand tirage du XIXe siècle : la moisson rapportée ici est surprenante. Elle invite à lire ou relire les Passages en faisant à l’image toute la place qu’elle occupe dans la pensée du dernier Benjamin, à l’heure où s’élaborent, sous la menace de temps assombris, son essai « L’œuvre d’art à l’époque de sa reproductibilité technique », le projet de livre sur Baudelaire ou ses « Thèses sur le concept d’histoire ».

di 5 in 5. dal verbo al segno

Di 5 in 5 Dal verbo al segno: Cappi Accame Verdi Minarelli Miccini Pignotti Pozzati Sitta Toti Cavallo – 1980 (autografo di Enzo Minarelli).

Da un post di Roberto Canella

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no more art / massimo nota. 2022

click to enlarge / cliccare per ingrandire


a nizza, 6-7 ottobre, “sperimentazione e avanguardie. l’occhio attonito di noëmi blumenkranz-onimus e luciano caruso”

Il progetto “RAG – Rileggere le Avanguardie” è stato lanciato nel 2016 a partire dagli archivi lasciati in eredità dalla famiglia di Noëmi Blumenkranz-Onimus all’Université Côte d’Azur. Il progetto beneficia quest’anno del bando Label scientifico UIF/UFI.

In questo convegno, ci si concentrerà sulla portata delle ricerche di Blumenkranz-Onimus e dello studioso Luciano Caruso in Francia e in Italia. Entrambi hanno lasciato un’impronta sul modo in cui gli studi sull’avanguardia, il futurismo e la neo-avanguardia vengono affrontati, e hanno intrapreso il lavoro di pubblicazione o ri-pubblicazione di documenti.

I partecipanti al convegno saranno chiamati ad analizzare le loro opere scientifiche, e artistiche nel caso di Caruso, per coglierne l’attualità. Sarà dato rilievo all’apertura internazionale delle riviste d’avanguardia e neo-avanguardia, e agli eventi internazionali.

Per maggiori informazioni scaricare il programma

6 ottobre 2022 – 7 ottobre 2022
6 ottobre 2022: dalle 10 alle 12
7 ottobre 2022: dalle 10 alle 12 e dalle 13:30 alle 15

Salle de Conseil, Campus Carlone, Nizza, Francia
A distanza: Zoom

max renkel: “mario diacono e l’apparizione dell’illeggibilità”

Macro, 21 ottobre 2021