Archivi tag: Center for Italian Modern Art

new york: ancora per pochi giorni, retrospettiva dedicata a nanni balestrini. (su ‘opera viva’ un’intervista al curatore, marco scotini)

In occasione della prima mostra retrospettiva negli Stati Uniti dedicata a Nanni Balestrini, dal titol Art as Political Action, One Thousand and One Voices, Opera Viva propone un’intervista al curatore Marco Scotini. La mostra si è inaugurata il 22 febbraio presso il Center for Italian Modern Art (CIMA) di New York e sarà visitabile ancora fino al 22 giugno.

NANNI BALESTRINI: ART AS POLITICAL ACTION. ONE THOUSAND AND ONE VOICES, curated by Marco Scotini, is the first retrospective exhibition in the United States of Nanni Balestrini (1935-2019), an Italian experimental visual artist, poet, and novelist known for his revolutionary artistic practice and passionate involvement in the social-political movements of the 1960s and 1970s.

Born in Milan in 1935, Balestrini was a key protagonist of post-WW2 Italian literary and social avant-garde movements: he approached experimental poetry with a visual sensibility stemming from the artistic use of collage, and with a compositional practice that gave importance to the editing and recombining of existing texts (especially newspapers, magazines, and political slogans) in search for the expression of