Archivi tag: piano

seven epigrams for double bass and piano / zoltán kodály.

Giancarlo Pavan: double bass
Keiko Imai: piano

Recorded and filmed in Padova in May 2024
in Monico’s family house
Postproduction by Domusartsudio – Padova IT

The 7 Epigrams (Epigrammák), originally nine, were composed in 1954 along with several other educational works designed to exemplify Kodály’s method of musical education. They were originally conceived as vocalises, for a wordless voice and piano accompaniment, but the voice part can be adapted to almost any instrument. In these little pieces, grave, gay or lyrical, with their discreet polyphonic imitations between melody and accompaniment, the Hungarian accent is so perfectly absorbed into Kodály’s habit of discourse that there is hardly a hint of the exotic about them: they simply testify to a rare serenity of spirit and delight in music-making.
Here is the selection made by Lajos Montag in 1982 for EDITIO MUSICA BUDAPEST which adapts perfectly to the sound characteristics of the double bass

oggi, 19 maggio @ sic12 (roma): “l’attesa”, fausto ferraiuolo e pasquale innarella in concerto

ingresso su prenotazione

19 maggio, sic12, roma: “l’attesa”, fausto ferraiuolo e pasquale innarella in concerto

ingresso su prenotazione

oggi, 14 aprile, da sic12 (roma): fausto ferraiuolo presenta il suo album “domande senza risposte”, nel contesto della mostra di giovanni galli, “aspettando la bomba”

14 aprile, sic12 (roma): fausto ferraiuolo presenta il suo album “domande senza risposte”, nel contesto della mostra di giovanni galli, “aspettando la bomba”

septa / genera. 2022

Luca Venitucci – piano, melodica
Dario Miranda – double bass
Ermanno Baron – drums

a sound guide for a virtual tourist / özden gülsün. 2021


14 giu 2022 _ Suoni Per Il Popolo_  2021
Commissioned by Anoush Moazzeni with the support of the Canadian Music Centre and IFCA (Iranian Female Composers Association)
As a result of Deterritorializing the Realm of New Music Call for West Asian Composers

Özden Gülsün, composer